Sunday, April 02, 2006

We're Home

We are finally home. We got back to the house around noon on Saturday. Saturday was kind of a rough day. Amanda and I were both exhausted, but Amanda still needed to feed Olivia and I wanted to get stuff unpacked from the hospital stay and clean up around the house a little bit. On top of that, Olivia was having a gastrointestinal problem. In other words, she had gas built up in her digestive tract and it made her fussy and uncomfortable. All that made for a very long afternoon, evening and night. Amanda told me to get some sleep, which I did. She had Olivia sleep on her chest in the recliner. Amanda tried a few things to aleviate the gas problem and by this morning, it was no longer an issue. We think it had something to do with the time in between feedings. Amanda was feeding her roughly every two to three hours. Last night, Amanda threw in a couple additional feedings and that seemed to do the trick. Amanda is doing such a magnificent job as a mom...diagnosing problems, brainstorming solutions with me, and being willing to try different things if the original plan of attack didn't work. She's been such a trooper...but now she needs some rest and that's what she's doing. Amanda took a shower, I massaged her achy back, she fed Olivia, and now is taking a well-deserved nap. We're working on establishing a routine, but it's going to take some time to figure out when things need to happen. We're definitely still in exploratory mode. Here are a few pictures from the past couple of days. The first is the official "we're home" picture of Olivia in her bassinet at the house. The second is me burping my little angel.

Plenty more pictures to come soon. Lastly, thanks to all of you who kept us in your thoughts and prayers over the past 10 months. It means so much to us to know we have friends and family who love and care for us. You've been there for us in the past and we know you'll be there for us in the future. So, thank you for all you've done and all you will do.


mamo said...

welcome home!!! sorry the last 24 hours have been so rough. it is such a mystery- bringing a baby home without instructions or even a way of fully understanding their needs. be patient with yourselves & get rest when you can. and call your neighbors when you both want to nap at the same time. we'll be glad to hold olivia for you. :)

she is such a lucky little girl to have you guys for parents. and did i mention she is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little girl! You are doing so good with her and you'll get the hang of it in a couple of days. Can't wait to see her in person... I love the picture of her all swaddled up!

Anonymous said...

I am sure Laurie would join me in congratulating you two. Keep helping each other and I am sure Olivia will be fine. Even if you need an ear to listen, just give us a call. I am sure you know that we will do whatever is asked of us.