Tuesday, December 27, 2005

No Name...At Least Not Yet

First off, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Amanda and I had a very enjoyable Christmas...except for me having to work Christmas Eve and Day. Oh well, part of the TV business I guess. Next year will be different though. Come hell or high water, I will be off for Christmas next year! Ok...time to get off the soapbox.

Amanda is doing very well and the pregnancy also seems to be running its course just fine. It's now week #27 which means the last leg of this journey...the third trimester...has now begun! We had an appointment with the ObGyn earlier today. Nothing new there except that Amanda needs to do a glucose screening test. This is the point in the pregnancy where Amanda is checked for the onset of gestational diabetes due to the pregnancy. According to some of the information I've been reading, somewhere between 2 and 7 percent of expectant mothers develop gestational diabetes making it one of the most common health problems during pregnancy.

As the title of this entry suggests, we have not decided on a name yet. The week before Christmas ended up being really hectic for Amanda, so she wasn't able to finalize her name list. So, we have pushed back the process of selecting a name until things have calmed down around here. That means sometime after the New Year...when Amanda scales back to working 4 days a week...is when we'll probably start putting our heads together on a name. In the meantime, we continue prepping the house for the baby's arrival. We now have a crib and changing table/dresser thanks to our neighbor across the street. Now we just have to come up with a theme for the baby room then we can go to town on that.

Here' s the latest picture of Amanda. Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Not Much Has Changed

Just a quick update...nothing new to report as of now. The December 6th appointment was just a general check up to make sure everything was going smoothly...and it is. Amanda and I have spent the last week cleaning out every room in the house. Some people may call this nesting, and that's what it pretty much is. We've got a good pile of stuff for a garage sale and have really opened up quite a bit of space in the house both for baby and for us.

Amanda has decided on January 21st as the day she's going to have her baby shower. So with that in mind, we went to Target one night and did our first go round of registering for baby stuff. Holy cow, there's more baby thing on the market than you can shake a stick at! The cool thing about being registered at Target is anyone can look at the registry list online and even buy things online and have it shipped...so with so many of our family and friends in different parts of the country, they can still get us something we need. We'll probably also register at Toys R Us (we don't have a Babies R Us here) and Wal-Mart since they both have good supply of baby goodies. If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know.

As for the list of names...Amanda is getting her list together now and our goal is to have a name picked out by Christmas. If I can get Amanda's list before we make the final decision, I will be sure to post it.

I plan to update this blog one more time before Christmas with a new picture of Amanda, but just in case I don't get the chance because of other activities, I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!