Amanda is doing very well recovering from her c-section. We should be leaving the hospital Saturday. As I sit here and type this, Amanda is sleeping with Olivia in the cradle at the end of the bed. I am such an incredibly lucky man. God is truly shining down on me and all I can do is thank Him over and over again for all His blessings. Here are two more pictures of Olivia. The first two you can't really see her face very well. With these, you definitely won't have that problem. You can see her self-inflicted scratches pretty well in the first one. Those baby fingernails are sharp! We may try cutting fingernails tomorrow. The second picture is my favorite so far. Remember all the hair the last ultrasound showed? It wasn't wrong!!!

i am SOOOO happy for you both...
sorry, Amanda I never got to visit with you much before I left :(... but i'm keeping up A BIT with your life on this blog (and thanks to D.J. Stubben :)... she is SO beautiful and ALREADY looks very smart (must take that from her mom - wink, wink :).
Miss you all - I'll keep you in my prayers,
cheri d.
what a BEAUTIFUL princess. congratulations you guys - and job well done. can't wait to meet her - dinner our place - SOON.
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