Thursday, January 29, 2009

Potty Training, Big Girl Bed, Singing, and a New Ultrasound's hard to believe that Olivia has turned a month older already! 2 years and 10 months today! In honor of her turning another month older, I've uploaded a couple new videos! The first of which is Olivia singing along (and doing all the fun physical stuff too) to "The Wheels on the Bus". The second video is of Olivia demonstrating her newly-developed computer skills. Pretty impressive computer skills...with a nice added cuteness value.

Two major feats have been accomplished in the past month: Olivia is sleeping in her "big girl bed" now...and for the most part, she's sleeping through the night. We've had a few minor issues with things like fingers and elbows not being covered by blankets (yeah, best not to ask) and the more typical issue of a mild fear of the dark. There was one semi-major meltdown in the middle of the night earlier this week and Amanda handled that with a certain middle-of-the-night, she's-in-the-third-trimester-of-her-pregnancy sternness that only she can do.

The other major accomplishment is Olivia is for the most part potty trained! We started right after Christmas and within two weeks, Olivia would verbalize her need to use the potty every time! The only exceptions that still remain are the sleeping situations. I know boys and girls are different when it comes to potty training, but given what my mom has told me about how much of a pain in the butt I was getting potty trained, Amanda and I are both really happy Olivia picked it up so quickly.

Things are going well with baby #2 as well (we haven't decided on a name yet...obviously). We just had another ultrasound and the baby is currently breech, meaning she's "head up" in Amanda's belly. Amanda can definitely attest to having the baby head up with the top of the baby's head pushing up into Amanda's ribs in a rather painful sort of way. But the baby is healthy and developing well. Amanda is starting to get really worn out very quickly, so I'm doing my best to help her as she get things finalized before the baby joins us in this world. The bast way I can do that is to keep Olivia entertained, which any parent will tell you, keeping up with an-almost three year old is draining all by itself. Here are some pics!
Look at that cute nose and mouth!

She has her hand up by her face.

The ultrasound technician used a buzzing device to get her to move. Instead, it made her cry.