We are still having a bit of a problem with Olivia sleeping through the night. One night last week, we moved Olivia out of the crib and put her back in the swing. That night, she slept eight and a half hours straight. Before that night and every night since, she has only slept in two-hour increments throughout the night. We're doing our best to get to the source of the problem and it's taking its toll on Amanda. I'm doing my best to help her and brainstorm potential solutions. We've given Olivia mylicon drops to reduce gas build up, but that doesn't seem to be the core issue. She seems to wake up when the pacifier falls out of her mouth. We're going to try letting her soothe herself back to sleep after it falls out, so things may get a bit noisier before it actually starts working. If anyone out there has any suggestions, we'd love to hear 'em.
Constipation is also still an issue, but it's not as bad as it was when we were feeding her rice cereal. We've switched to oatmeal cereal and have introduced sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots. Olivia has accepted all the veggies at this point, yet she still prefers to wear the food than eat it. We'll keep introducing new foods from time to time...but we're trying to focus on the foods that have a higher fiber content.
Amanda went to a large used baby clothes and gear sale this past week and got some really good deals on high-quality clothes. She also picked up a couple baby backpack carriers...one of which Amanda has already put to good use...and Olivia loves it!

2 hour increments! okay, that's ridiculous. y'all are going on my prayer list right now.
we just let our babies cry and cry and cry themselves to sleep. sounds mean, but eventually they got the hint.
Hi! I love your blog. I've been following it since Amanda was pregnant. She and I were due at the same time and I enjoy following another family's journey through the "baby years"!
I have a few "sleep through the night" suggestions. My six month old, Colby, sleeps about 9 hours a night. It started when we took away the "binky". He too was waking up every time it fell out of his mouth. Now he sucks on his fingers. Another trick is white noise. We have a small fan (facing out of his room so its not too cool in there) on the floor all night. The constant noise seems to calm him. And-if he does wake up for no reason- we check on him, then let him cry it out.
Thank you so much for the suggestion, Natalie! We'll definitely give it a try. If it worked for Colby, then hopefully it will work for us too. I'm glad to hear Colby is sleeping so well!
I hope you find a way to get my little grand daughter to sleep you both can get some sleep! Don't know how to help with a problem like that.... .it's been too long ago. Full tummy, "white noise", soft music, lights on, lights off, too hot?, too cold?, I'm sure you tried them all....
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