Olivia's newest addition to her repertoire of talents now includes the ability to stand...with the balance assistence provided by me or Amanda. It's a rather scary sight...knowing that sooner rather than later, she's going to be standing on her own, moving around the house, and getting into everything and anything. God help us! Okay, so it's not that bad...at least not yet.

As briefly indicated by last week's entry, we are trying some new foods. Some get better responses than others. Green beans on their own didn't go over so well, but green beans mixed with a little bit of peas did much better. To date, Olivia has successfully consumed the following vegetables: peas, yellow squash, green beans, and sweet potatoes. We are just now starting to introduce some fruits. First on the list: prunes.

As you can see, she actually took to the prunes pretty well. We also have pears and bananas to try. If you notice the "trend" with the food selection, we're still on a fiber kick. The movements are taking place, but not quite a frequently as they should...so we're trying to provide the necessary components to make things move more regularly.
Full nights of sleep aren't happening as frequently as we would like either, but they are popping up occasionally. We are using a white-noise machine in the nursery and that has seemed to help a bit. We're still trying a few different things, but we seem to headed in the right direction.
Here are a couple more pictures from the past week:

your blog titles are great, brian!
What a big girl standing up so tall and straight! Look how proud she is of herself. Soon she will be standing by herself.....WOW
Love her hair too!
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