Olivia continues to make big strides forward, but no major milestones have been reached in the past couple of weeks. She's really working hard trying to tackle the task of crawling, but it almost seems like she's going to skip crawling and go right to walking. If you watched the most recent video, you saw how she likes to stand up...and we practice that everyday. We prop her up against the coffee table and she stands there (without falling back down) and plays with any toys we have on the coffee table. We also work with her on crawling, but after trying for a little while, Olivia does the only thing she knows how to do when she's on her stomach: roll to her back. We are really enjoying interacting with Olivia as she tries to tackle these milestones. I'll sit behind Olivia and put my hands on either side of her. She grabs by thumbs and immediately tries to stand up. She really likes standing up...that's why I think she's more apt to walk before she crawls. When it comes to crawling, we can't even get her to put her legs under herself! Olivia is also drooling a ton (how does she not become dehydrated with all that drool coming out of her mouth??) and she has more frequent bouts of crankiness...so the teething process appears to underway. We haven't seen any visible nubs yet though. I'll keep you posted on the progress. Until then, here's a slew of recent pictures.

Olivia's mischievous look

Isn't she cute??

Having fun in the crib

Olivia is fascinated by the doggies

Olivia and mommy!

Crashed out in the carseat
Ohhhh, I love the new haircut. It makes her look so much older! What a great bunch of pictures of my little sweet pea....
Grandma Smith
she's brian's mini-me! cracking up over here.
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