Olivia's pictures came out pretty well...at least two of the poses were worth getting additional copies of. If you would like to see them, go to https://www.searsphotos.com/view_shared_roll_images.asp?shareid=S204368221lU7AVK42SW6&tag= and check them out. The one picture of her feet with Amanda's wedding ring was a cute idea...it's just that we forgot to clean out Olivia's toe jam before she snapped the picture. The other challenge was trying to get Olivia to smile for the camera. That's pretty much what you would expect the main challenge to be with a 3-month-old baby. Oh well. They still came out decent enough.
Olivia has started "testing" various items by putting them in her mouth...and thoroughly sliming them. She hasn't quite got to the point that she can just reach out and grab something yet, but she's close. Olivia is doing a lot of smiling recently, but anytime I try to get out the camera and take a picture, she stops smiling and starts studying the camera with the furrowed brow. That's not the picture I want! I'll keep trying though. I did decide to make a little Olivia collage with Photoshop. I think it turned out pretty good.

Since there's not much more to add, I'll finish this post with a variety of pictures taken in the last week or so.

Olivia is so beautiful. I love all the expressive faces she makes. The "hair" shots are great, too.
Isn't being a "first-time parent" the best job in the world? (albeit exhausting at times... :-P ) There is nothing like a goofy little grin to help you start your day with a smile, eh?
now just add some serious HUMIDITY, mosquitos and general nastiness to the air and you get the weather down here. put that in your pipe & smoke it. but not really! babies aren't supposed to inhale smoke!
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