So what's been going on in the past month? Well, the biggest news was revealed during the ultrasound when we found out we're having a girl. That means I will be outnumbered 4 to 1 in my house...Amanda, the two female dogs, and now a baby girl on the way. Yikes...too much estrogen! I better be ready to get in touch with my feminine side. I know I'm in trouble already...she's going to be "daddy's little girl" which means I don't stand a chance. She already has me wrapped around her little finger and she's not even born yet!
Something else that has changed is Amanda's appearance...more specifically, the growth of the belly. I know I haven't posted any pictures of Amanda recently and I apologize for that. I'll do my best to make up for that now. Here's how she looked at 19 Weeks:

So very cute and a well-defined belly showing. Now onto the 20th week:

Not too much of a change from week 19. One thing that just amazes me is the glow Amanda has being pregnant. She just radiates incredible beauty! Well, she does that everyday, but it's even more pronounced now that she's pregnant. Here's week 21:

She really didn't want me to take a picture on that day...yet being the trooper that she is, she put down the meat cleaver she was going to kill me with and smiled for a picture (I'm just kidding about the meat was more along the lines of a steak knife.) This next picture was taken this past Saturday (the 26th), so this is the most recent one at 23 weeks:

Doesn't she look simply fabulous?? As you can probably guess, she likes that purple shirt (both in week 20 and 23). The problem is there just aren't many clothing options out there for "vertically challenged" pregnant women. Being 5 foot and pregnant isn't an easy shopping experience.
The other big thing to pass along is that Amanda is feeling our little girl kicking and punching, moving and grooving. I have felt her moving around's an amazing experience...I gently press down on Amanda's stomach and "Little Miss Thing" pokes back. Very cool stuff!
We've got the back room cleared out (well, mostly cleared out with the only items left in there being books that were going to put on a soon-to-be-bought bookshelf), but we haven't decided on a theme for the baby room yet. We also haven't decided on a name yet because Amanda hasn't gotten through all the baby name books yet. That's right...I'm calling her out! That's okay though...I want her to take her time and come up with names she really likes so we can decide together on a name. I have come up with my top six names and I'll share them with you in a minute. My original top choice is a name we unfortunately can't use. Allow me to explain...I really like the name Autumn Skye but we can't use it because her full name would be Autumn Skye Swiatowy giving her the initials A.S.S. and that would make her childhood and teen years a living hell. So that one had to go by the wayside and I was bummed about that...but I've come back strong with other possibilities. Here is my top six in no particular order:
- Autumn Raine
- Alexia Mackenzie
- Bayleigh Victoria
- Autumn Mackenzie
- Sierra Skye
- Amber Mackenzie
Well, there they are...but you have to remember these are coming from a guy and what guy in his right mind would be able to come up with a good girl's name, right? Feel free to give your feedback if you dare! Once Amanda comes up with her list, I'll be sure to post it.
Our next ObGyn appointment is next Tuesday (the 6th). If anything of interest happens, I'll be sure to pass it along. Until the next post, y'all take care!
Naming a first born is challenging. I can't comment on naming the second, third, etc., since we're on our first as well. Natalie started with the books, but I found them to be little help. I rather enjoyed taking polls of trusted friends and family. They can be especially insightful.
I'll wait until Amanda's list is posted and then make comments.
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