Monday, December 01, 2008

Moving Stinks!!

Have I ever mentioned how much moving stinks?? The last month has been absolutely chaotic as we finally closed on our house a week and a half ago...and now we're in the laborious process of unpacking, sorting, adjusting, fixing, and tweaking...all the fun things you get to do once you move into a new house! We really like the new house though. It's bigger than the one we had down here in Amarillo our first time around. It's a prettier house too. It's got a huge kitchen, a good-sized living room, a big covered patio out back, a smaller but very nice covered porch in front, and Amanda's favorite...a water jet laden bathtub in the master bathroom. Olivia has adapted to the new house better than we could have ever imagined! She's sleeping completely through the night usually going to bed around 9 at night and getting up around 8:30 or 9 in the morning. We were waiting until we got into our new house before starting potty training and the transition to the "big girl bed", so those should be our next big tasks to tackle...after we get the rest of the boxes unpacked, sorted, and situated. So, if anyone needs our new mailing address, please drop me a line and I'll be sure to let you know.

The other big news is the day after we closed on our house down here, Amanda had a full-scale ultrasound and we found out that I am going to be severely outnumbered in my house. That's right! Baby number two is a girl!! That's cool with me though. At least we won't have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe and we can put both girls in the same room...which we already have plans to do. The due date is still slated for early to mid April (April 13th is the actual date), so while we have a good amount of time before our next little girl arrives, we also know the time will go by very with potty training, a bed transition, and plenty of unpacking to do, we know we don't have time to rest on our laurels.

Well, this is about all the time I have to update you. Amanda and Olivia are both still asleep, but I know they will be waking up soon and that's going to kick off another busy day in the new Swiatowy house. Here are a few recent pictures of us over the past few weeks.
Those are big shoes to fill!

The latest fashion statement: Upside down sunglasses!

Olivia the green sherbet monster!

Hiding out in the hippo!

Here's our wonderful new kitchen!

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