Monday, April 21, 2008

Here We Go...Again

There's a lot to talk about in the Swiatowy household. Besides the obvious that Olivia has turned 2, I have plenty more to say. After a long and brutal winter, Amanda and I have decided that we simply don't belong up here. So for the health and well-being of my family, Amanda, Olivia, and I are moving back to Amarillo in late May. I won't get into the details too much, but if you know anything about the TV business, contracts are part of being on-air...and I had to fight tooth and nail to get out of mine. It was a struggle, but I feel it's worth it in the end. We are going back to a part of the country we really liked. It's warmer, sunnier, the people are friendlier, and to us it feels more like home than any other place we've been. Once we get settled *again*, I'll make sure everyone gets our new contact information.

As for Olivia...she is so much fun to be around. She is a source of happiness and humor every single day. She loves being outside and pointing to animals (dogs, cats, ducks [geese], etc.) and she's saying some colors as well (a lot of things are yellow...and she says lellow). Here are a few pictures from her birthday party and a video from a week ago or so.
Birthday money is awesome!

So cute with her blue balloon.

Birthday cake is good!

Mr. Potato Head is still a kid favorite.

The family picture - March 29, 2008

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