Sunday, August 20, 2006

She's on a Roll!

Literally! Just in the past few days, Olivia has been able to accomplish the task of rolling from her belly to her back. The more difficult task of going from back to belly has been attempted but as of yet, unsuccessful. Here are two pictures of right before the roll and one right after:

Olivia also continues to do very well with her consumption of rice cereal. We feed her the rice cereal once at generally a half hour to 45 minutes before bedtime. Interestingly enough, it's a common myth to think that feeding a baby rice cereal will help them sleep longer. Olivia is proof of this in that she is still sleeping about 7 hours a night after the introduction of rice cereal.

On a related-yet-slightly-less-appetizing topic, we have noticed a slowing of the "processing" of the rice cereal and it now appears that things may have "clogged up" down we may have to switch to oatmeal cereal to resolve the situation.

Olivia is also doing a lot more grabbing and releasing of things now. When we carry her around, we have to be much more aware of what's in Olivia's reach. An excellent example of this is last weekend at Laurie's baby shower, Amanda stood a little too close to a fake potted tree and Olivia grabbed it tipping it toward Olivia and Amanda. It wasn't heavy or anything like that and no one was injured, but it showed us how much more aware we have to be of our surroundings when we're holding Olivia.

Here are a couple other pictures from the past week...

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