First, we had another ObGyn appointment back on the 30th of January. Everything is as it should be with our next appointment coming up February 13th. After that, Amanda will be making weekly visits to see the doctor. On or about February 20th, we will be having one more ultrasound (the "low-grade" version) to make sure Olivia is ready to come into this world. Now the question is...are we ready for Olivia? For the most part, the answer is "yes". We have a few more small items to purchase before she gets here, but in general we're about as ready as we're gonna be. Other than a possible set of drawers, the nursery is done too. Here's a picture of the nursery with the crib, changing dresser, and glide rocker (with a nightstand just off camera to the left side of the rocker) all set up:

With the exception of sleep depravation, almost always feeling overheated, and not ever seeming to get enough to eat (Olivia is just taking every last calorie!), Amanda is doing pretty well. We got a good dose of birthing education this last weekend. After the class, we went to Wal-Mart and bought a birthing ball (one of those large exercise balls) since Amanda liked the way it worked when we tested it out in class. Tomorrow (Thursday), I'm going to "Daddy Boot Camp", a baby education class strictly for the guys. On Saturday, Amanda and I are going to breastfeeding class. I don't know if I should be going or not, but all this stuff just fascinates the hell out of me, so I'm planning on going for the educational value if nothing else.
I'll certainly be trying my best to keep y'all updated better over the next few weeks. It's all starting to blur together and my mind is turning into a bowl of oatmeal, so please excuse me if my ramblings seem to wander off on some weird tangent. Once the Daddy Boot Camp and breastfeeding classes are done, I'll post another update. Until then, here's Amanda at 33 weeks:

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