As for Amanda...also known as "the baby factory"...she's doing very well. The only bump in the road has been sleep...or lack thereof. My sister (who went through this whole pregnancy thing about a year and a half ago...and has been extremely helpful so far. Thanks Jen!) suggested Amanda get a body pillow. Now, for those of you who don't know about body pillows, let me explain. It's a pillow that's about 3.5 to 4 feet long and just a little wider than a standard pillow. But, it becomes very useful in that it relieves a lot of pressure and pain by allowing her wrap her arms and legs around it. In summary, it helps her sleep more comfortably on her side. She meant to go get one from Target last weekend when she was on the other side of town, but she forgot to check them out when she was there (more on that later). So, I went to Target Monday to make the purchase. The selection wasn't what I had expected. I had three styles to choose from: a bright pink "Hello Kitty" pillow, a vivid yellow "SpongeBob Squarepants" pillow, and a sky-blue "Tinkerbell" pillow. Well, in my opinion, the Tinkerbell pillow was the most comfortable, so I bought it. Turns out to be a pretty good purchase because it has helped Amanda sleep a little better.
Now back to Amanda forgetting to check out the body pillows. My poor wife...she's slowly but surely loosing her mind. It's all part of being pregnant...becoming forgetful and frequently absent-minded. By her own admission, she has become like our dog "Halo"...dumb as a stump. There have already been several instances where she'll walk down the hallway toward the back bedrooms, stop in the middle of the hallway, and declare she has no earthly idea what she was going back there for. I do laugh...but only because she I'm laughing with her. In the same respect, I feel bad for her because she needs her memory to tell clients the names of trees and shrubs they should consider for their landscape design...and the names have already escaped her while meeting with people. I've already suggested that she start making lists as often as possible.
Other than that, she's doing wonderful...and she looks as beautiful as ever! Here is an updated picture of her at 15 weeks (click on the pic to get the full-sized picture):

See what I mean? She's gorgeous! Our next appointment is October 11th...which technically will be past the magical 16-week mark. Between 16 and 20 weeks is when you're supposed to be able to find out the sex of the baby. If we can find out, we will! I'll keep y'all posted. Until then, y'all take care!
1 comment:
You write well.. I feel involved in the fun. My first grandchild was born in April. It is so much fun. Enjoy!
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