There's something to be said for being back in familiar surroundings...and it made for a very enjoyable Halloween experience yesterday evening. We took Olivia over to our old/new neighborhood (we will be closing on a house down here on the 20th of November) and spent the evening with our friends Amber and Randal and their two little boys Logan and Ian. For about the past month or so, Olivia had really been watching a lot of Halloween-related movies and cartoons. Dora, Diego, Charlie Brown, and Ichabod Crane all fueled the fire...and by the time Halloween actually came, she was as ready as ready could be! She knew all about going up to the door, knocking on it, and saying, "Trick or treat!!" Both her and Logan were dressed up very cute...Olivia as a spider and Logan as a dinosaur...and I think their combined cuteness led to an extra supply of candy being dished out to them., I mean...they made out like bandits! Well, there has to be a certain "parental surcharge" on the candy...especially if we don't want Olivia to prematurely lose her baby teeth. We are really looking forward to moving back into that neighborhood...and to another fun-filled Halloween with two kiddos next year.