My dad sent me an email happy to see the ultrasounds for baby #2, but noted that there were no new pictures of Olivia. Well, allow me to rectify that situation! Olivia played in the sprinkler a little yesterday morning and I snapped a few pictures of her. Here are some of the good ones!
Sorry it took me a week to get these posted. I had to go up to Michigan on a last-minute decision to get the appliances out of our house up there...appliances that I didn't feel like just giving away to the buyer of the house...whoever that may be. Don't let that statement fool you...our house hasn't sold yet. Yes, this is a very very frustrating if you would be so kind as to send up a prayer or 10 for the rapid sale of our house, that would be great!!
Anyway, Amanda had her first doctor's appointment last Thursday and everything looks good so far! There's only one "bun in the oven", so for at least this go round, the fact that Amanda's dad is a twin and twins tend to be an element that can transfer down the family line isn't a factor for this pregnancy.
We haven't really talked to Olivia about her being a big sister as of yet. When Amanda starts to show a little more, then we'll start talking to her about it. It should be a fun conversation once it's time. Here are a few images from the ultrasound...
Full front picture! You can see the head, body, two hands, and the right foot.
Side shot. All you can really make out is the head and body.
Top looking down shot. Only the head and hands are visible.