Okay...now back to Tuesday and our second visit to the ObGyn. In the words of the doctor, the pregnancy is going along perfectly! Amanda's bloodwork and other tests came back just fine...and we now know Amanda's bloodtype: A negative. I am also A negative, so I guess we at least know what the baby's bloodtype is going to be. He also estimated that she is 12 weeks and 3 days along...so the due date is still around March 25th. Then we had the second ultrasound. What a difference a month can make! Very definitive features are now visible and it made us so happy to see some of the things we saw! When the doctor measured the baby, it was 5.7 centimeters from head to butt...so throwing on a centimeter or so for the legs and the baby is roughly 3 to 3 and a half inches long. Here are a couple of the clearer pictures we got from the ultrasound (the pictures are labeled for those of you who are ultrasound-picture-reading challenged...just click on the pic to get the full size version):

The question everyone asks is, "Do you know what you're having yet?" The answer is no, but we will find out once the time comes...in about a month and a half to two months. Right now, Amanda and I are both on cloud nine enjoying this experience together...especially given the fact that Amanda is sleeping much better now too. We'll be up here in the mountains for a few more days, then it's back to "the real world". Our next appointment will be October 11th. Between now and then, I'll post another entry with an updated picture of Amanda. Until then, y'all take care!