Wednesday, October 11, 2006

You Mess With My Bottle, You Mess With Me!

There are only a couple new things to report this week. One, Olivia is starting to understand the concept of holding her own bottle. When Amanda is trying to catch a few extra winks in the morning and I'm responsible for feeding her a bottle, I just position her in the boppy and hand over the bottle. She grabs on and goes to town. It's really very cute and funny because she sees me coming with the bottle and she just gets all excited. Her eyes get as wide as quarters and she starts flopping around like a fish on land.

The other big step this week was to transition the bathing location from the sink to the bathtub...well, more like a bathtub within a bathtub. It's been working out pretty well so far.
We have Olivia more on a routine now and that seems to be helping her sleep a little more consistently. She still wakes up in the middle of the night...usually around 3 or 4. Amanda will briefly feed her (she's feeding her less and less to wean her off the overnight feedings) and put her back to bed. The problem is Amanda has trouble falling back to if it's not one girl having trouble sleeping, it's the other. Everything else is going along pretty well. Here are few more pictures from the past week or so.
Too bad OU lost to Texas again this year

Playing in the bed

That cute wide-eyed look

Here doggie doggie doggie!

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